Relaxation At Home Using The 5 Senses
Everyone—yes, even you—gets stressed out. When extremely stressed, one can stray away from their daily routines and obligations. With an overflowing to-do list floating over your head, it’s easier to stay on that couch and binge watch the entire Gilmore Girl series. To relax, you could drive to the Four Seasons and have a 60 (or 90) minute massage, but creating a day of relaxation on your own is more beneficial. We suggest surrounding all five of the senses and in the midst of creating this environment at home, you also build up motivation, getting back into the swing of things. (Of course we needed to put a golf pun somewhere!) Here are some tips, and don’t forget to click the links throughout to our favorite products to help you along the way.

Waking up in the morning for most people can be a tricky part of the day. If your grocery list is done right, the kitchen holds delicious meals, helping you look forward to waking up. To help you get to the kitchen, having a big cup of lemon infused water next to your bed ready for you to drink in the morning can help your body feel awake. Make the effort to cook something you love. This is the day to indulge—put the diet (if you have one) on hold. From the act of cooking, to the finished product, your body and mind will thank you.

Now, there are two ways to go about touch, depending on your relationship with fitness. If you are mere acquaintances, or in a committed relationship, here are two options for you to choose. Or, do both!
Gather your favorite face masks and lotions and apply generously. Curl up in your favorite blanket, and if you are a book worm, get a book (or a copy of Women’s Golf Journal,) feel the crisp pages in your fingertips and read away. Avoiding phone and TV screens is important when trying to relieve tension is important—especially when you are trying to renew and refresh.
Have a pet? It’s a guarantee, having them curled up cuddling beside you, will melt the troubles away.
Working out can also relieve tension. You could run or practice yoga, but either way, breaking a sweat and taking advantage of endorphins can help de-stress tremendously. Depending on your relationship with golf, play 9 holes at twilight! All you have to do is get up and go. In the end, you’ll be happy you did it.

Exposing yourself to natural light, and nature will lift your spirits. Open the curtains, and fill your home with plants, flowers, and even succulents. Going back to being with pets, surround yourself with loved ones like family or your fur babies. Another way to feel relaxed is to make sure you have a clean space. Just like exercising, decluttering will help you feel so much better.

Scent is influential when trying to control your mood. When in doubt, always go with the classics: chamomile, lavender, rose, sandalwood, and green tea. Brewing a pot of your favorite tea, and lighting candles are so therapeutic. Take a bath with one of these scents. These amazing natural ingredients will melt into your skin, relieving muscle tension.

Lastly, there’s sound. There aren’t many options as far as sound, aside from music, or nature sounds (real or from a soundtrack.) This is purely preference. Acoustic tones, classical music, and slow tempos are what relax myself, but everyone is different. Online websites like Spotify have hundreds of “relaxing” playlists. Have a record player? In comparison to the web, the simplicity vinyl is a nice touch, and another way to avoid technology.